1)Had my internship for 22weeks, preparing myself to face the society soon. Learn a lot of related knowledge and received my first angpau in Singapore Dollar during Chinese New Year.
2)Visited my form teacher in primary school after graduating 10 years. Missed the old days in primary school...

3)Being inspired by Boon Ming during internship period, I start to blog more often and installed Nuffnang, hoping to earn some side income. Apparently, I failed....earned a total of $38.36 by 28th Dec 2009, can't even cash out.

4)Felt and fear the side effect of gambling, where I can lost few hundreds in one night at the casino when I can't even earn that amount back through my part time job.

5)Earn more and spend more in Singapore without worrying much about the currency exchange rate. Instead of multiplying 2.5x for everything that I purchased in Singapore to convert it into Ringgit Malaysia, I divided 2.5x the cost of the items that I found in Malaysia to convert it into Singapore Dollar.
6)Took a plane since 1997 and travelled to Hong Kong with 2 of my uni mates for 7 days. It's a wonderful place and I wish to revisit the place again.
7)A meaningful and happening holidays for me, went Redang with The Tigers after we have been planning it since 3 years ago.

8)Being fined 3 times on the same day for speeding during my trip to Ipoh. Total cost of RM900. (No screen shot taken because it's being paid online using my dad's account)
9)During one of the sleepless nights, inspiration and ideas cross over my mind when I am planning on my last performance in NTU. Acted as Encik Najis in the skid "Jutawan Kampung", based on the story of "Slumdog Millionaire"
10)Did more short clips related to family and friendship, spreading the love messages to all the friends in MSA. Improved a lot on video editting, though just using Windows Movie Maker. Since then, friends will ask me for advice and ideas when they need help. (Kinda happy and proud of it)
11)Won myself a Nike bag worth SG$50, the grand prize in a lucky draw event for the 1st time in my life.
11)Good things happen when you least expect them. Met someone special during Merdeka Night and here we are now...
12)Went to Melaka at least once a year as usual, but this time with my parents and her...

12)After 22 years, that's the first time I think that I am fat when I weigh more than 60kg. My father told me that I will look exactly like him 30 years later.

2009 is a good year to me. Thanks to everyone who helped me through out this year, I appreciate it and wish you all have a good year ahead.